What are the best techniques for improving heading skills in young football players?

Heading is one of the critical skills that every football player should master. It requires precision, timing, and power. Unfortunately, many young players struggle with this skill. This article will guide you through effective techniques and drills to improve heading skills in your players. As a coach or trainer, understanding these methods will significantly enhance your training sessions and boost your team’s performance.

Understanding the Importance of Heading in Football

Before we delve into the techniques, it’s essential to grasp why heading is a pivotal element in football. Heading can be a game-changer. It allows players to control the ball, defend, or even score goals. Mastering this skill gives a player an edge, especially in situations where using the feet is not possible.

A well-executed header demands a combination of various skills such as anticipation, jumping, neck strength, and timing. These skills can be honed through well-structured training sessions and the right drills. As a coach, your task is to create a conducive environment for your players to learn and perfect their heading skills.

Fundamental Techniques for Heading

Heading a football might seem daunting to young players, but it becomes less intimidating once they understand the basics. The two main types of headings are defensive and offensive.

Defensive heading is about gaining height and distance to clear the ball away from the danger zone. Here, players should focus on hitting the ball with the forehead while using their body weight to add power.

Offensive heading, on the other hand, requires players to direct the ball towards the goal. The player needs to be accurate and quick.

To enhance these skills, you can introduce various techniques in your training sessions.

Incorporating Drills in Training to Improve Heading

Drills are practical ways to improve any soccer skill, and heading is no exception. They provide players with a safe and controlled environment to practice and build their skills. There are various drills you can use to enhance heading in your players.

1. Throw and Head Drill

This simple drill enables players to practice heading without the unpredictability of a kicked ball. As a coach, you stand a few meters away from the player. You throw the ball towards the player who will then head it back to you. This drill helps players to gain confidence and improve their accuracy.

2. Jump and Head Drill

This drill adds a layer of complexity as it involves jumping. You throw the ball a bit higher, requiring the player to jump and head the ball. It helps players improve their timing, jump height, and heading while in the air.

Proper Heading Posture

Proper posture is crucial to execute a successful header. The player should keep their eyes on the ball at all times. The neck should be rigid to provide a solid base for the heading action. The player should also use their arms for balance and to fend off opponents.

The feet should be shoulder-width apart, and the body should lean slightly forward. The player should aim to hit the ball with the forehead as it’s the hardest part of the head and gives the best control.

Coaching and Mentoring Approach

Finally, your approach as a coach can significantly impact your players’ ability to enhance their heading skills. A good coach is not only a trainer but also a mentor.

It’s your responsibility to encourage your players, assure them that it’s okay to make mistakes, and provide constructive feedback. It’s also crucial to pay attention to each player’s progress and tailor your coaching techniques to suit their needs. Remember, the aim is to make your players not only better at heading but also smarter football players.

In conclusion, improving heading skills in young football players is a process that requires practice, proper technique, and effective coaching. By utilizing the strategies discussed in this article, you can turn your young players into heading experts, ready to take on any match with confidence and skill.

Advanced Heading Techniques

Having grasped the basic techniques, it’s important to step up the game by teaching your players how to control the ball with their heads better. This section introduces some advanced heading techniques that can be incorporated into your drills soccer sessions.

Firstly, flick headers require the player to change the direction of the ball by flicking their neck muscles. This technique often catches the opposing team off-guard and can be really effective in offensive scenarios.

Secondly, glancing headers demand players to hit the ball at an angle, causing it to skim off their forehead and change direction. This technique is especially useful when the ball is coming at a high speed and the player needs to quickly divert it.

Thirdly, diving headers are about commitment. The player must dive towards the ball, putting their whole body on the line to head the ball. This technique can be a game-changer in critical moments game situations but should be practised with caution due to its riskier nature.

Remember that these techniques, like any other football skills, need regular practice. Chris Johnson, a renowned soccer coach, aptly puts it: “Repetition is the mother of learning. To master these techniques, players need to keep trying and refining until they become second nature.”

Importance of Safety While Practicing Headings

Heading the soccer ball can be risky business, especially for young players. There’s a growing concern about the long-term impact of repeated head ball contacts. Hence, prioritizing safety in your practice plans is essential.

Use softer balls, such as beach balls or balloons, in your initial heading drills. These items allow the players to get the feel of heading without the risk of injury. As they become more comfortable, you can gradually transition them to using a regulation soccer ball.

Ensure players understand that they should never attempt a header if they are not in the right position or if they feel unsafe doing so. Encourage them to make smart decisions on the field.

Always remind your players about the proper heading technique: use the forehead, keep the eyes open, and neck stiff. These habits not only improve the quality of their headers but also reduce the risk of injuries.


Mastering the skill of heading is not an overnight affair. It needs patience, practice, and a lot of guidance. By incorporating the right techniques and drills in your training sessions, you can help your players improve their ability to head the ball.

Remember that each player learns at their own pace. As a coach, your task is to guide, mentor, and provide constructive coaching advice to your players. Be patient with their progress and always put their safety first.

With the right approach, your players will not only become proficient at heading but also improve their overall ball control and technical skills. And who knows? You might be nurturing the next Chris Johnson within your team!

Always remember the core skills: anticipation, jumping, neck strength, and timing. These skills, coupled with proper posture and technique, are the keys to heading success.

Keep your training sessions fun and engaging. Include small-sided games, warm-ups, and finishing drills that involve heading. This way, your players will look forward to every training session, eager to learn and improve.

In the words of Chris Johnson, “The goal of coaching is to guide players to discover their potential. If we achieve this, then we’ve achieved success.” Now go on, coach your team to heading success!
